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A legacy of entertainment experience, creative excellence, and budget-attuned quality is being offered to an even broader spectrum of clients.

As a division and the new operating title for The Steenhoven Production Group, Inc., “Creatives” signifies SPG’s repositioning in the live show, attraction, corporate exhibit and special events industry. This new role is one of providing client-focused consulting services. With no vested interest in any potential supplier, all options are explored. Then, in consultation with the client, the optimal resource is selected and negotiated at the very best pass-through cost. There are no markups.

Since its inception in 1984, SPG has served such clients as four divisions of The Walt Disney Company, CBS Television Distribution, Radio City Entertainment, Sony Pictures Television, and Madison Square Garden. Now under the banner Creatives, this near quarter century legacy of entertainment experience, creative excellence, and budget-attuned quality is being offered to an even broader spectrum of clients.

SPG/Creatives is a specialty house in the finest sense of the word. Creativity, cost-effectiveness and precise selection of resources to match client goals are its function. Entertainment and attraction impact is its principal product.


©Creatives • A Division of The Steenhoven Production Group, Inc.